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January 20, 2014 / Rabbi Laura

Today…and every day



Today, as we honor the life and work and legacy of Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we are asked to make it a day of service.

Today we are out in our communities marching and rallying and riding freedom trains and, as Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel taught us, praying with our feet.

Today we are working in community gardens and food pantries and carrying bags of groceries to donate for those who are hungry.

Today we are writing our elected officials and signing petitions and speaking up and speaking out with calls for justice.

We are praying at the bedsides of those who are ill and without treatments or cures.

We are mourning at the graves of those who have died because they stood up for what they believe in.

Today cannot be the only day.

Dr. King did not envision a country in which we fought for justice on 1 out of every 365 days.

Justice must be part of our daily routine. It must be as natural to us as breathing and blinking.

So the question we must ask ourselves is not what are we going to do today. But what are we going to do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after that?

We cannot do it all. But we can do our part. We can make a difference. We just have to do the work.

My work…today, and for at least the next 70 days, to help find a cure.

My work …as inspired by not only Dr. King but also by Rabbi Tarfon.